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ASPIRE Session by Mr. Yogesh Khakre

June 21, 2024

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." – Albert Schweitzer An ASPIRE session was conducted for classes IX to XII by the ASPIRE guest Mr. Yogesh Khakre to change the mindsets of students and gain direction. The advantages of being teenagers were beautifully highlighted through interactive session. It started with performing several asanas, including Tadasana, to promote physical and mental well-being. Our esteemed speaker addressed the Sagarites as "super teens," emphasizing the importance of a positive approach to thrive and shape our nation over the next 50 years. He acknowledged the unique challenges faced by teenagers but encouraged living in the moment—day by day, hour by hour—without procrastination. The key he gave was to start early, stay focused, and work towards growing rich in all aspects of life. Drawing from his own life experiences, he shared stories to inspire. He stressed the importance of identifying a target audience that has both need and resources. The opportunities are vast, but smart work is essential. The session concluded with a Q&A, allowing students to dive deeper into these insights. This event was a true inspiration, equipping us with the tools and mindset to achieve greatness. Let's take these lessons to heart and work towards a brighter, more successful future.