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The Final Parents Teacher Meeting 2023-24

March 23, 2024

The Final Parent-Teacher Meeting of the session 2023-24 was conducted on 23 March 2024, fostering fruitful discussions on students' progress and development. Teachers meticulously briefed parents on their wards' conduct and performance across various subjects and classes. The event witnessed a remarkable turnout, with a significant number of parents attending enthusiastically, ranging from Nursery to Class XI students. Their active participation reflected a deep commitment to their children's education. With smiles adorning their faces, students expressed their happiness at the prospect of transitioning to their new classes. The anticipation of new classmates, teachers, and subjects fueled their excitement. Furthermore, the PTM served as a platform to introduce the Advanced Sports programme, offering insights into the diverse sports activities available for students from Class III onwards. Parents showed keen interest in this aspect, recognizing the importance of holistic development through sports. PTM was a resounding success, fostering a supportive environment where parents and teachers collaborated for the betterment of their children. Let’s have a glimpse of it!